Pupil Personnel Department
The Pupil Personnel Department is dedicated to helping all students achieve their best by not only addressing academic and vocational needs but also by addressing students' social-emotional and physical well-being.
Educational beliefs - Students will achieve their best when teachers create clear, consistent, caring environments with high expectations. In this environment, trust and rapport flourishes and students are able to take academic risks and actively engage in the work, improving outcomes for all.
Pupil Personnel Department Office hours are 7:00am-4:00pm and can be reached at (860) 868-6100
- Special Education Services
- Support Services
- Child Find
- Special Education Resources
Special Education Services
The district offers a wide range of special education services based on the needs of individual students. These include an integrated preschool, integrated classrooms K-12, special education classrooms and transition supports. Many of our students receive special education support within their general education classrooms, while others receive support in a special education classroom. Through the Planning and Placement Team (PPT) process, the Region ensures that, to the maximum extent appropriate, students with disabilities, are educated with students who are non-disabled.
School | Special Education Teacher | |
Booth Free School | Amanda Koschel | koschela@region-12.org |
Burnham School |
Serina Rybos |
ryboss@region-12.org |
Washington Primary School |
Ann Wescott | wescotta@region-12.org |
Anthony Weymouth | weymoutha@region-12.org | |
Jill Horan | horanj@region-12.org | |
Lisa Holmes | holmesl@region-12.org | |
Shepaug Valley School | Fran Beilinson | beilinsonf@region-12.org |
Jennifer Carnes | carnesj@region-12.org | |
Stephanie Davies | daviess@region-12.org | |
Corinne Houle | houlec@region-12.org | |
James McDonough | mcdonoughj@region-12.org | |
Sue Nicholas | nicholass@region-12.org | |
Shepaug Valley Partnership | Betsy O'Neill | oneillb@region-12.org |
Support Services
School Counseling
We have four full time school counselors at Shepaug School. Three counselors support our elementary schools once weekly. We also have a college and career counselor at Shepaug.
Our guidance team supports our schools by the following actions:
- Planning developmental guidance lessons and course of study
- Addressing student needs through individual counseling
- Planning an academic course of study for students to meet their goals
- Collaborating with students and families around college and vocational planning
- Guiding students to use strategies to enhance their study, time management, conflict resolution and decision making skills.
Sophia Velez - VelezS@region-12.org
Samantha Steinis - steiniss@region-12.org
Kelly Norris - norrisk@region-12.org
Nursing Services
There is a full time nurse at each of our four school buildings.
Our nurses support our schools by the following actions:
- Administering first aid
- Conducting screenings
- Ensuring student medical records are up to date- physical examinations and immunizations
- Monitoring and administering medications
- Consulting with students, parents and staff
- Working as a liaison between school and physicians and health agencies
Booth Free School - Dawn Field - FieldD@region-12.org
Burnham School - Malcom Loman - LomanM@region-12.org
Shepaug Valley School - Lindsay Harrison - HarrisonL@region-12.org
Washington Primary School - Megan Hodge - HodgeM@region-12.org
School Psychologists
There are two full time and two part time school psychologists in the district supporting all four schools.
Our school psychologists support our schools by the following actions:
- Conducting assessments- cognitive, behavioral/social/emotional, adaptive functioning
- Observing students to understand learning styles/behavioral characteristics
- Participating in student support teams
- Collecting and compiling data for clear communication
- Working directly with a student or groups of students to support needs
Monica Burnham - burnhamm@region-12.org
Gabe Byer-Alcorace - byeralcoraceg@region-12.org
Speech and Language Pathologists
We have two speech and language pathologists who work at all four schools in the district.
Our SLPs support our schools by the following actions:
- Conducting diagnostic assessments to identify communication problems
- Observing students to support student support teams and decision making
- Providing direct services for articulation, fluency, and language deficits
Theresa Gallagher - gallaghert@region-12.org
Jennifer Shab - shabj@region-12.org
Occupational and Physical Therapists
Region 12 contracts with a physical therapist, an occupational therapist and a certified occupational therapy assistant who work at all four schools in the district.
These therapists support our schools by the following actions:
- Conducting diagnostic assessments to identify motor problems
- Observing students to support student support teams and decision making
- Providing services to assist students ability to function in the school setting
Rachel Gerowe - Physical Therapist - gerower@region-12.org
Christine Bradshaw -Occupational Therapist - bradshawc@region-12.og
Deborah Davis – Certified Occupational Therapy Asst. - davisd@region-12.org
Child Find
According to federal regulations, Region 12 is responsible for the locating, identifying and evaluating all children from birth through age twenty-one who require special education and related services. This responsibility includes children enrolled in private schools and migrant or homeless students.
Children who are under the age of three may qualify to receive services through community agencies under the Connecticut Birth to Three System. Children can be referred to the B-3 System by parents, health professionals and school staff. Staff from Region 12 participate in transition meetings and planning and placement team meetings with families and B-3 providers to ensure the student has a free and appropriate public education (FAPE) in place at the age of three. Parents are welcome to call (860) 868-6100 for additional information.
Parents of children ages three and above who are not enrolled in Region 12 schools can contact the Pupil Personnel Office at (860) 868-6100 and speak with Allyson O’Hara about any developmental concerns.
Students enrolled in Region 12 Schools are identified by teachers through student performance on benchmark assessmens. Students who are not meeting benchmarks are given additional interventions to support their learning. If student progress is limited, the student may be referred to the Planning and Placement Team (PPT). Parents will be notified of the referral in writing and invited to a PPT meeting to discuss school and parent concerns. Evaluations may be planned at this meeting.
For any further information, please contact Allyson O’Hara at (860) 868-6100 or oharaa@region-12.org
According to state and federal special education laws, parents/guardians have the right to an independent educational evaluation of their child at public expense if they disagree with an evaluation of the child conducted by the district. The Regional School District 12 Public Schools has established the following procedure for obtaining an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) and criteria for the selection of an appropriate evaluator. In accordance with applicable law, these criteria also apply to outside evaluations performed by an outside evaluator selected by, and/or, at the request of the Regional School District 12 Public Schools.
An Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE) is an evaluation conducted by a qualified examiner who is not employed by the Regional School District 12 Public Schools, which is the public agency responsible for the education of the child.
An evaluation means the formal testing and/or assessment procedures used to determine whether a child has a disability and the nature and extent of the special education and related services the child needs.
Public expense means the district either pays for the full cost of the evaluation or ensures the evaluation is otherwise provided at no cost to the parents/guardians.
Upon receipt of a request for an IEE by a parent/guardian, the school district will either: (a) initiate due process and a hearing to show that the evaluation conducted by the district of the child is appropriate; or (b) provide an independent educational evaluation at public expense. If the school district requests a hearing and the final decision is that the district’s evaluation of the child is appropriate, the parent/guardian still has the right to an independent educational evaluation, but not at public expense.
If, in response to the parent/guardian request for an IEE, the district decides to procure an independent evaluation, the district will provide names, addresses, and phone numbers of possible IEE evaluators who meet the district’s criteria (as set forth below). The list will identify those evaluators who, in the district’s judgment, are qualified to perform the evaluation requested by the parents. Parents may also select evaluators not included on the district’s list, provided they fully satisfy all of the criteria set forth below.
Parents will be expected to contact the evaluator they have selected to conduct the IEE in a timely manner to schedule any necessary appointments.
Criteria for Outside Evaluators (Independent Evaluators and Outside Evaluators Selected by the Regional School District 12 Public Schools)
Evaluators chosen to conduct independent evaluations must meet all of the criteria established by the district as follows:
- Minimum Credentials for Evaluators
For Psychologists:
1. Hold a valid Connecticut Department of Health license as a psychologist.
2. Have achieved a Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) or a Doctor of Psychology (Psy.D.) in Psychology, Neuropsychology or Clinical Psychology from an accredited university.
3. Have training and experience in evaluating students of the same age level.
4. Have clinical background, advanced training, and recent experience in the areas of disability being evaluated.
5. Be able to schedule an evaluation in a timely manner and produce a written report within forty - five (45) school days of the evaluation, subject to any contractual arrangement with the district or unusual circumstances which justify an extension of this timeline.
For individuals conducting academic achievement testing, the individual must either:
1. Fulfill the following requirements:
(a) Have attained a minimum of a Master’s degree; and
(b) Hold an appropriate and valid special education or other academic
specialization (such as reading or mathematics) certificate from the
Connecticut, Massachusetts, New York or Rhode Island State Departments of Education; and
(c) Have experience in teaching and evaluating students in the area of suspected
2. Fulfill the requirements of the psychologist above.
For Speech Pathologists, Audiologists, Occupational Therapists, Physical
Therapists and Physicians:
1. Hold a valid Connecticut Department of Health license to practice.
2. Have clinical pediatric experience in evaluating and treating children in the area of disability being evaluated.
3. In the case of physicians, be Board Certified in the appropriate specialty area (pediatrics, care of children and adolescents, etc.)
- Cost: Evaluators must charge fees for evaluation services which, in the judgment of the school district, are reasonable and customary for such evaluations. The parent may request specific cost information with regard to specific types of evaluations from the school district.
- The evaluator must not be an employee of the school district.
- The evaluator must be permitted to directly communicate with school staff who work with the child in school and the members of the Planning and Placement Team, including the Special Education Director, as well as to obtain information from the school and share information with the school.
- The evaluator must obtain and consider school information and observations of the child in the school setting in the evaluation process and the written report.
- The evaluator must agree to provide the assessment information and results, including the results of teacher and parent checklists and surveys, in a written report to the district prior to receipt of payment for services. The evaluator will be expected to produce his/her written report within forty - five (45) school days of the evaluation, subject to any contractual arrangement with the district or unusual circumstances which justify an extension of this timeline.
- The evaluator must comply with all guidelines required under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) and the Connecticut State Department of Education regulations regarding the evaluation of children with disabilities. The evaluator must also comply with all applicable confidentiality requirements under state and federal law.
Location Limitations for Evaluators
Evaluators who will be considered for approval must be located within a radius of seventy-five miles. Evaluators outside of this geographic area will be approved only on an exceptional basis, provided that the parent can demonstrate the necessity of using personnel outside of this geographic area. The district shall not be responsible to provide transportation, nor pay any travel expenses, to and from the location of the evaluator. In the case of low incidence or severe disabilities where qualified evaluators may not exist in the geographic area, this requirement may be reconsidered by the district.
Outside Evaluations Which are Not IEEs
Evaluations and/or assessment obtained by parents/guardians which do not meet the criteria for an IEE are considered outside evaluations for which parents/guardians are not entitled to reimbursement or payment from a public school district. Nonetheless, if a parent/guardian decides to unilaterally obtain an outside evaluation and to share the results of such evaluation with the district, the school district will consider the evaluation at an IEP meeting, as appropriate.
The results of an independent evaluation procured by the district will be considered at a Planning and Placement Team meeting.
Please contact the Director of Pupil Personnel Services with any questions regarding the criteria for independent educational evaluations.
Special Education Resources
Helpful CT Resources for Families, http://www.sde.ct.gov/sde/lib/sde/PDF/DEPS/Special/Resources_Families.pdf
Bureau of Special Education Resources, http://www.sde.ct.gov/sde/cwp/view.asp?a=2626&q=320730
A Parent’s Guide to Special Education in Connecticut, https://portal.ct.gov/-/media/SDE/Special-Education/Parents_Guide_SE.pdf
IEP Manual and Forms (Third Revision October 2010)
A Tool to Assist PPTs in Addressing the Unique Communication Needs of Students Who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing, Language and Communication Plan, http://www.ct.gov/dph/lib/dph/family_health/edhi/pdf/ppt_communication_plan_3-09.pdf
Secondary Transition (Including Building a Bridge: A Transition Manual for Students), http://www.sde.ct.gov/sde/cwp/view.asp?a=2626&q=322676
Easing Into Secondary Transition: A Comprehensive Guide to Resources and Services in Connecticut
Stepping Forward: A Self-Advocacy Guide for Middle and High School Students
Connecticut IEP Transition Planning Checklist
Transition Assessment Resource
Student Success Plan Crosswalk
Assistive Technology and Postsecondary Transition
Connecticut CORE Transition Skills