Teaching, Learning & Assessment

Curriculum writing is much more than unwrapping standards, creating assessments, establishing essential questions and big ideas. It is a process for teachers to determine vital transferable learning.  As Marzano's research indicates, the number one impact on student achievement is the TEACHER.  Teachers must be at the center of this work.  This requires collaborative, rich dialogue and a deep understanding of what students need to be able to do.  This process includes:

  • Leading colleagues in the development of standards-based, rigorous curriculum and instruction
  • Providing colleagues with up-to-date national and state curricular information
  • Supporting colleagues in the development of relevant, high-level learning opportunities
  • Supporting colleagues in the formative assessment process
  • Ensuring purposeful professional learning opportunities for administrators and teachers 
  • Sustaining reflective growth opportunities
  • Providing relevant information to families, community and educators

Our maps are evaluated and refined by teachers working with each other, ensuring that they reflect Connecticut Curriculum Standards.   As educators, we constantly strive to make our curriculum more effective, meaningful, and cohesive.  These maps present a living curriculum.  

Each discipline embraces a philosophy of learning that centers us on well-rounded development in the arts, careers, civic-mindedness, cultures, literacy, numeracy, scientific knowledge, and wellbeing.


Name Contact Information
Keri B. Snowden
Director of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment



Mahbuba (Mabs) Akter
Administrative Assistant to the Director of Teaching, Learning, and Assessment
