Parents and interested citizens are welcomed and encouraged to visit and volunteer in our schools. All non-staff/student members entering the primary schools are asked to use the main lobby doors. Please report to the office immediately upon arrival. Our office staff will assist you in your needs. This procedure is to ensure the safety of our students.
Regional School District 12 uses Raptor Technology software, a visitor management system, in each of our schools. This system helps protect our children by tracking visitors, contractors and volunteers who come into our school. Upon entering a school building, all visitors are asked to present a valid state issued driver’s license which will be entered into the Raptor system in order to issue a badge identifying the name of the visitor, as well as the time and date of their visit. The system has the ability to provide alerts on people who may jeopardize the safety of our schools. Visitors will return the badge prior to exiting the building and will be signed out of the system. Subsequent visits will not require a license. The visitor will report to the office, state his/her name and a badge will be printed from the individual’s information already in the system.
In addition, parents or guardians who wish to observe their child's class may call in advance to arrange with the teacher a mutually agreed upon visitation time. Please reserve questions or comments for a follow up conference. Visits for potential students must be arranged in advance through each school’s main office.