Shepaug Valley School partners with VHS Learning to offer students the opportunity to supplement core, honors, and elective courses. The unique blended learning environment offers self-motivated students the opportunity to take AP courses or to pursue their passions or special interests, such as Oceanography or Astronomy, with access to more than 250 semester and year-long courses.
Here you will find links to the VHS catalog, platform, yearly calendar and more!
- Take the VHS Student Survey
- Review the VHS Course Catalog
- Decide on the course you would like to take with your counselor
- Carefully review the course syllabus to determine workload
- Discuss with parents/guardians
- Complete the VHS Learning Application
- Return application to Mrs. Temple
- Complete the Student Orientation prior to the class start date
2022 - 23 Important Dates
Sep. 7 Fall semester begins
Sep. 13 Add/drop period ends
Nov. 1 Fall term 1 ends
Dec. 20 Fall term 2/semester ends
Jan. 4 Full-year courses resume
Jan. 25 Spring semester begins
Jan. 31 Add/drop period ends
Mar. 21 Spring term 1 ends
May 9 Spring term 2 ends
May 15 Applications due for 22-23
- Students must check-in at the beginning of their VHS period
- Students are expected to use their VHS time wisely and to complete all assignments on time
- Students with a grade lower than 75 must remain in the library during their VHS period